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Our Services


Have a look at a snapshot of our expert services below and let us know how we can assist you.


Trade tests are conducted for all technical personnel such as technicians, electricians, welders, plumbers and mechanics. We have short-listed institutes equipped with the Ànest workshop facilities for these trade tests. Heavy-duty operators are tested on project sites.
Trade tests are also conducted for Civil / Mechanical / Marine Engineers. Trade test for carpenters are conducted at The Government Carpentry School and workshops attached to major engineering corporations.


All short-listed candidates have to compulsorily undergo a thorough medical. No chances are taken and the physical suitability is never compromised. We engage in the services of the G.C.C. panel Doctors to determine appropriate physical health of every candidate. Further down the process, we seek endorsement from the Government authorities ensuring you of healthy employees


We have a huge databank (manual and computerised) of candidates. We also publish classiÀed advertisements in the country's most widely circulated newspapers to update our databank. This works out be the most popular and effective way to communicate with our target base.
Short-listed proÀles compiled over a period of time are update regularly serving as a source of manpower supply. Candidates are also contacted through the organisation's network and reputation


After the selection process and reservation of the seat, arrival information is faxed to the employer stating the date and time of arrival of the employee. This way, arrangements for arrival can be made by the employer to receive the employee at the port of arrival.


After taking into consideration the volume and category of manpower we will quote the time required for recruitment. A batch of 250 candidates takes approx. 45days for perfect handing of all legal formalities and dispatch of workers. This can be done after receiving a speciÀc time frame and all legal documents from the employer. We are not liable to any penalties due to delay for reasons beyond our control such as curfews, disturbances by Consulates etc. The employer will be notiÀed from time to time about the position of the process.


Blue Ocean's believes in providing quality manpower. It is our endeavour to select the right candidate for your needs. In case our candidate falls below the standards and seems unsuitable for the job within the probationary period, we shall help the employer in repatriation of the employee and provide replacement without any service charges.